Sync Toodledo TO-DO with Outlook task list – Tutorial video

Sync Toodledo TO-DO list with Outlook 2016

If you ever think about syncing your Toodledo TO-DO entries with your Outlook 2007-2016, here is an easy way to do it. With EVO Collaborator for Outlook, you can link your Toodledo TO-DO list to your Windows desktop Outlook software.

Here is a brief instruction to configure Toodledo sync profile:

  1. Download EVO Collaborator for Outlook from EVO’s official website and install it.
  2. Open Outlook and configure Toodledo profile in Configure Profile(s) under EVO ribbon.
  3. In “Toodledo – not configured” slot, click on TEST button to proceed OAuth by entering e-mail address and password in a popup window.
  4. After initial synchronization is complete, add task entry in local Outlook and EVO Collaborator for Outlook will detect chagnes and start a sync session.
  5. On Toodledo web-UI, ask entry can also be added and EVO Collaborator for Outlook will sync changes upon automated sync  session or manual sync session.

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