ECO Release Notes

EVO Collaborator for Outlook

Current version: v2.0.90 / Release date: 05/09/2024

  • 05/09/2024 / v2.0.90
    • Update: Compatibility with Windows Live.
  • 03/18/2024 / v2.0.88
    • Update: Compatibility with fruux.
  • 11/16/2022 / v2.0.87
    • Fix: Updating compability with CardDAV and Synology Calendar of Synology NAS.
  • 08/02/2022 / v2.0.86
    • Update: Compatibility with CardDAV.
  • 07/05/2022 / v2.0.85
    • Fix: Google AUTH has canceled oob auth.
  • 03/09/2021 / v2.0.84
    • Fix: Unable to download contact photo from iCloud.
    • Update: Acclerlate download speed from iCloud.
  • 08/17/2020 / v2.0.83
    • Unable to work under 32-bit Outlook.
  • 08/05/2020 / v2.0.82
    • Fix: Unable to auto-detect URLs for Gmail account.
  • 04/29/2020 / v2.0.81
    • Fix: Unable to auto-detect URLs for Toodledo account.
    • Fix: Unable to auto-detect URLs for account.
  • 09/15/2019 / v2.0.80
    • Fix: Unable to auto-detect URLs for iCloud account.
  • 08/09/2019 / v2.0.79
    • Fix: Update iCloud’s TLS version to 1.2.
  • 07/01/2019 / v2.0.78
    • New: Update software loader.
  • 04/08/2019 / v2.0.77
    • Fix: Improve compaitility of synchronization with ownCloud.
    • Fix: Resolve some Outlook crash incidents.
  • 03/21/2019 / v2.0.76
    • Fix: Date format of Singapore and Malaysia region causing syncing date/time error.
    • Update: Synology DSM CarDAV/CalDAV URL autodiscovery.
  • 12/07/2018 / v2.0.75
    • New: Update software component to support newest Outlook/Outlook 2019.
  • 11/09/2018 / v2.0.74
    • Fix: For Google Calendar only, after O2C, calendar and task entries at local Outlook will disappear and subsequent sync session will sync from Google Calendar to Outlook all over again.
  • 11/08/2018 / v2.0.73
    • Fix: After O2C, entries still remain gray color and unlinked with cloud copy
    • Fix: Unable to display entry name if Google Calendar has over thousands of entries
  • 07/24/2018 / v2.0.71
    • Fix: Edited entries cannot be uploaded or synchronized under Outlook 2010
  • 05/24/2018 / v2.0.70
    • Fix: Correcting Russia’s Samara time zone
    • Fix: Correcting a Google contact sync issue
  • 04/22/2018 / v2.0.69
    • Update: It is allowed to set sync date range of calendar by modifying foldersettings.ini file
    • Fix: If Gmail contacts have multiple mobile phone numbers, they cannot be all synchronized
    • Fix: GMX calendar entries cannot be synchronized
    • Fix: If Toodledo tasks’ end-date is in the past, tasks cannot be synchronized
  • 04/16/2018 / v2.0.67
    • Fix: Unable to pass URL auto-discovery for (Japan Yahoo service)
    • Fix: Unable to download contacts that were created on Yahoo
  • 04/16/2018 / v2.0.66
    • Fix: The issue of O2C (Outlook to Cloud) upload will change UID of entries is now fixed
    • Fix: The issue of Gmail profile settings will disappear after saving is now fixed
    • Fix: In “Browse local” window, CTRL+D to select multiple duplicates will aim for gray-colored duplicates rather than black entries that are actually linked
  • 04/11/2018 / v2.0.65
    • Fix: Updating add-in component version
  • 03/14/2018 / v2.0.64
    • Fix: Several minor issues in zone/meeting request
  • 03/13/2018 / v2.0.62
    • Fix: Several issues in v2.0.61
  • 02/28/2018 / v2.0.61
    • Fix: Being unable to sync XiaoMi (MI) contacts (Refer to description about modifying Windows’s hosts file after clicking on TEST button)
    • Fix: Several issues in v2.0.60
  • 02/27/2018 / v2.0.60
    • Enhance compability with Google, Yahoo, iCloud and Office365
    • Fix CardDAV & CalDAV connection issue of 401 error with Yahoo!
    • Replacing Microsoft LIVE API and use Microsoft Graph API instead to support, Office365 and Exchange Online for contact and calendar synchronization
    • Fix multiple issues of handling meeting invitation between local Outlook and cloud services, such as Google, Outlook, Yahoo and iCloud
  • 01/15/2018 / 2.0.58
    • Fix: Incompatibility issue with Synology NAS services
  • 11/22/2017 / v2.0.57
    • New: Updating software component version
    • Fix: Password cannot include “=” symbol
  • 09/04/2017 / v2.0.56
    • Fix: “Browse local” displaying Outlook local entries that failed to be synchronized with Google Task in orange color
    • Fix: Using webcal:// syntax in hostname space will cause error
    • Fix: For Outlook appointments created in Outlook, it is now possible to define its visibility as PUBLIC or DEFAULT before synchronizing with Google Calendar by editing C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Evo Collaborator Outlook\FolderSettings.ini‘s “NonPrivateGoogleCalendarVisibility” and assigning it as PUBLIC or DEFAULT
  • 07/01/2017 / v2.0.54
    • Fix: If visibility of appointment entries are set as default on the cloud, then ECO will set its visibility status as Private under Outlook
    • Fix: There will pop up a security warning under Outlook 2016 64-bit
  • 06/06/2017 / v2.0.53
    • Fix: Phone number fields failed to be modified locally after cloud version gets modified
  • 05/19/2017 / v2.0.52
    • Fix: Revert 3 cloud services that do not support TLS 1.2 back to TLS 1.1
  • 05/17/2017 / v2.0.51
    • New: Support TLS 1.2 upon connecting on-premises CardDAV/CalDAV servers
  • 05/04/2017 / v2.0.50
    • Fix: Calendar entries created on Outlook will be set to Calendar default on Visibility
  • 03/28/2017 / v2.0.49
    • New: Support Nextcloud CardDAV/CalDAV
    • Fix: Resolve Yahoo! CalDAV issue of The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send
  • 02/06/2017 / v2.0.47
    • Fix: Explore server of CardDAV actions for contacts cannot display contact entries with no full name
  • 12/28/2016 / v2.0.46
    • New: Support Russian Time Zone of #1 – #11
    • New: Support of Hindi GUI
  • 12/12/2016 / v2.0.45
    • Fix: Outlook 2016 asking for permission to access address book
  • 11/07/2016 / v2.0.44
    • New: Support of Indonesia GUI
  • 10/18/2016 / v2.0.42
    • New: Support horde service
  • 10/02/2016 / v2.0.40
    • New: Support of Google Calendar Push Notification and Gmail Push Notification
  • 08/12/2016 / v2.0.36
    • Fix: Enhance compatibility with contact format built by GMX server
  • 07/26/2016 / v2.0.25
    • New: Support of carddav & caldav server detection
  • 06/13/2016 / v2.0.33
    • New: Support of Axigen CarDAV sync URL
    • Fix: Unable to read birth date of some contact
  • 05/20/2016 / v2.0.32
    • New: Support of Polish GUI
  • 04/25/2016 / v2.0.31
    • New: Support of ownCloud 9, URL format: https://[domain]/remote.php/
  • 04/19/2016 / v2.0.30
    • New: Support of Tobit David – Mail Exchange CardDAV/CalDAV server
    • Fix: Removing excessive orange-color entries in Browse local window
  • 04/09/2016 / v2.0.28
    • Fix: Google Task cannot be synchronized over 100 items
  • 03/29/2016 / v2.0.27
    • Fix: v2.0.26 has bug that turns a regular appointment into a recurring one
  • 03/25/2016 / v2.0.26
    • New: Support of Slovak GUI
    • Fix: Unable to sync exception appointment under Outlook to the cloud service
    • Update: Mapping Central Standard Time Mexico to America/Mexico_City
  • 03/15/2016 / v2.0.25
    • New: Support of HiMail CardDAV & CalDAV
  • 03/15/2016 / v2.0.24
    • Fix: Several meeting request sync issues
  • 03/12/2016 / v2.0.23
    • Fix: Google tasks appears to be empty when entry # is less than 100
  • 03/08/2016 / v2.0.22
    • Fix: Appointment content downloaded from cloud may contain junky characters
    • Fix: Google Task cannot be synchronized over 100 items
  • 02/23/2016 / v2.0.20
    • New: Support of infomaniak service
  • 02/12/2016 / v2.0.19
    • Fix: ownCloud’s compatibility issue of encoding @ into % 2540
  • 02/09/2016 / v2.0.18
    • Fix: Unable to access contact under Outlook 2016 32-bit environment
  • 01/07/2016 / v2.0.16
    • New: Support of Finnish GUI
  • 12/22/2015 / v2.0.15
    • New: Support of Arabic GUI
  • 12/09/2015 / v2.0.14
    • Fix: Fixing meeting invitation duplicates in calendar
  • 12/01/2015 / v2.0.13
    • Fix: Adjusting GUI to adapt to desktop with higher DPI
    • Fix: Compatible with FIPS set to OFF by default
    • Fix: Supporting Belarus Standard Time
    • Fix: Supporting all IM types within Gmail contact
  • 11/26/2015 / v2.0.12
    • Fix: Exception error will occur when deleting meeting entries with Shift + Del
    • Fix: Unable to sync tasks in West Asia Standard Timezone with iCloud
  • 11/21/2015 / v2.0.11
    • Fix: Unable to sync anniversary date with iCloud
    • Fix: Unable to sync tasks in West Asia Standard Timezone
  • 11/15/2015 / v2.0.10
    • Fix: Unable to sync TEL-tagged phone numbers with undefined type
    • Fix: Duplicates occur when syncing Yahoo! CalDAV’s recurring event with exception
  • 11/06/2015 / v2.0.9
    • Fix: One of recurring events on cloud is unable to be synchronized to Outlook
    • Fix: MIUI (XiaoMi) CardDAV sync issue
    • Fix: After O2C to Google Task, tasks, duplicates occur
    • Fix: Unable to sync contact addresses from CardDAV services of Zimbra and Yahoo!
  • 11/02/2015 / v2.0.8
    • Fix: When using Outlook default calendar folder, creating meeting invitation will cause duplicates on
    • local Outlook and remote server.
  • 10/20/2015 / v2.0.7
    • Fix:’s CardDAV service is temporarily not available. ECO’s auto-detect will stop for now.
    • Fix: non-Gregorian calendar such as Japan’s nengō calendar/Thai ‘s Buddhist Era calendar/China’s Minguo calendar
    • Fix: Matching issue of Chile Standard Time and Pacific SA Standard Time after 01/2015
    • Fix: Several sync issues with Toodledo
  • 10/13/2015 / v2.0.5
    • Fix: COM Exception error termination after clicking on Browse Local – CalDAV
  • 10/13/2015 / v2.0.4
    • New: Support of Danish GUI
  • 10/12/2015 / v2.0.3
    • New: Support of ( CalDAV
    • Fix: calendar sync issue
  • 10/09/2015 / v2.0.2
    • New Support of
  • 10/06/2015 / v2.0.1
    • New Support of Outlook 2016
  • 10/05/2015 / v1.0.149
    • New: Support of FastMail’s and Egroupware’s CardDAV & CalDAV
  • 09/26/2015 / v1.0.148
    • Fix: Convert TZID Amercia/New Yrok into Amercia/New_York
  • 09/25/2015 / v1.0.147
    • Fix: Improve multiget efficiency which enhance sync compatibility with iCloud
  • 09/22/2015 / v1.0.146
    • Fix: Upon contact sync completion, several newly added contacts bounce back to server again.
  • 09/13/2015 / v1.0.145
    • Fix: Being unable to auto-detect hosting account of
    • Fix: Being unable to match Eastern Standard Time time zone
  • 09/03/2015 / v1.0.144
    • Fix: Being unable to auto-detect URL
    • Fix: Being unable to sync vCard tag ADR; type=WORK; PREF
  • 08/27/2015 / v1.0.143
    • Fix: Unable to sync recurring appointments on certain week of the month created by Google Calendar
  • 08/26/2015 / v1.0.142
    • Fix: Timezone offset caused by North Korea timezone adjustment for South Korea Users
    • Fix: Unable to sync recurring appointments on certain day of the month created by Google Calendar
  • 08/13/2015 / v1.0.141
    • Fix: Unable to display contacts generated by Roundcube CardDAV plugin
  • 07/27/2015 / v1.0.140
    • New: Support of MailEnable CarDAV and CalDAV services
  • 07/25/2015 / v1.0.139
    • New: A log will pop up if URL auto-discovery fails for further analysis
    • New: Support of Kerio Connect CardDAV and CalDAV services
  • 07/20/2015 / v1.0.138
    • Fix: Being unable to sync Work and Family e-mail addresses in some particular occasion
  • 07/16/2015 / v1.0.137
    • New: A PC’s admin account install ECO once and other users account can use it.
  • 07/05/2015 / v1.0.135
    • Fix: Error that occurred if newly installing v1.0.134 of ECO
    • Fix: Unable to synchronize with
  • 07/02/2015 / v1.0.134
    • Fix: Speed up server browsing over non-Google cloud services such as iCloud, Yahoo and etc.
  • 06/30/2015 / v1.0.133
    • Fix: Outlook will hang right after launching Outlook in a rare case of computer configuration
  • 06/26/2015 / v1.0.132
    • Fix: If <carriage return> is included in street2 within vcard, bad vcard will be generated
  • 06/24/2015 / v1.0.130
    • New: Support of via Live Connect API with limited sync capability
    • New: Hot key of “Ctrl+D” to select all duplicate CalDAV/CardDAV/ items
    • Fix: Improve CalDAV/CardDAV/ browser for ease of use
  • 06/19/2015 / v1.0.129
    • Fix: O2C button is disabled when Ctrl + “hotkey” selecting items under “browse local/select profile”
    • Fix: Gmail access token expiring during volume O2C or C2C uploadings
  • 06/10/2015 / v1.0.128
    • New: Support of INFOMANIAK webmail (
  • 06/02/2015 / v1.0.127
    • Fix: Correcting possible missing primary e-mail address in v1.0.125
    • New: Support of Turkish GUI
  • 05/26/2015 / v1.0.125
    • Fix: Event invitation with different time zone has wrong time once uploaded to Google
    • Fix: Unable to support EXDATE containing TIMEZONE ID
  • 05/23/2015 / v1.0.124
    • Items without UID on an ownCloud server will locally duplicate itself endlessly
  • 05/20/2015 / v1.0.123
    • Fix: Unable to support deleting individual apopintment within recurring event set
  • 05/16/2015 / v1.0.122
    • Fix: Unable to sync Outlook appointments to Yahoo! through O2C
  • 05/12/2015 / v1.0.121
    • Fix: Unable to sync 5000+ items in Google Calendar
  • 05/10/2015 / v1.0.120
    • Fix: Appointment switches to Olson Time Zone ID before uploading to cloud
    • Fix: Enhance fied matching compatibility when dealing with Yahoo CardDAV
    • New: Support of Thai GUI
  • 04/15/2015 / v1.0.119
    • Fix: Fix that prevents Outlook-generated bithdate and anniversary to be repeatedly uploaded to cloud
  • 04/13/2015 / v1.0.118
    • Fix: Cancel incorrect escape/unescape process to “:”
  • 04/11/2015 / v1.0.117
    • Fix: Fix a task-sync issue with on-premises server
  • 04/09/2015 / v1.0.116
    • Fix: Support of syncing fields of OtherTelephoneNumber,RadioNumber,OtherFaxNumber within contacts.
  • 04/07/2015 / v1.0..115
    • Fix: Enhance compatibility with ownCloud 8.0.x
    • Fix: Contacts’ e-mail address’ domain part will not be recognized as contact’s company
  • 04/05/2015 / v1.0.114
    • Fix: Enhance compatibility with ownCloud 8.0
  • 03/31/2015 / v1.0.112
    • New: Support non-default Google Calendar selection
    • New: Support of Czech GUI
  • 03/28/2015 / v1.0.110
    • New: Support of Porguese GUI
    • New: Default username and password ache over web proxy for authentication
    • Fix:Timezone recognition issue
  • 03/03/2015 / v1.0.106
    • Fix: Unable to auto-detect SOGo server URL
  • 03/03/2015 / v1.0.105
    • Fix: Compatibility iIssue with date and time of recurring events generated by ownCloud web-UI
  • 03/01/2015 / v1.0.104
    • Fix: Enhancement over Zimbra-Calendar-Provider compatibility
  • 03/01/2015 / v1.0.103
    • Fix: Toodledo-service related bug fixes
    • Fix: Unable to upload calendars and tasks to iCloud when located in Japan Timezone (UTC +09:00)
  • 02/25/2015 / v1.0.102
    • New: Support Yahoo! Japan Calendars/Tasks (No Contacts)
  • 02/25/2015 / v1.0.101
    • Fix: Google Calendar recurring event with exception and timezone issue
  • 02/18/2015 / v1.0.100
    • Fix: Yahoo! CalDAV timezone compatibility
    • New: Toodledo bi-directional synchronization added
  • 02/10/2015 / v1.0.95
    • Fix: Elevate ECO’s tolerance handling invalid response from the servers
  • 02/08/2015 / v1.0.94
    • New: Support of Toodledo Task iCAL feed one-way sync
  • 02/06/2015 / v1.0.93
    • New: Support of Google Task API v1 -> sync Google Tasks
    • Fix: Fixing a few bugs on task list
  • 01/30/2015 / v1.0.91
    • Fix: Fix of recurring task source code
  • 01/27/2015 / v1.0.90
    • New: Support of Hungarian GUI
    • Fix: If item(s) cannot be uploaded to the server, it will be marked in red color and
  • 01/15/2015 / v1.0.87
    • Fix: Support of TZID generated by iCloud Control Panel
  • 01/09/2015 / v1.0.86
    • Fix: Calendar created on Yahoo! shows wrong date once downloaded to Outlook
  • 01/08/2015 / v1.0.85
    • Fix: Multi-line notes within contact are not able to uploaded cloud via O2C
  • 01/07/2015 / v1.0.84
    • Fix: Unable to perform O2C when targeting Gmail
  • 01/06/2015 / v1.0.83
    • Fix: Fields missing during CardDAV synchronization
  • 12/29/2014 / v1.0.82
    • New: Support of CalDAV service
    • Fix: German GUI has been improved
  • 12/26/2014 / v1.0.81
    • New: Support of Italian and Vietnamese GUI
  • 12/22/2014 / v1.0.80
    • New: Support exception of recurring appointments created by Lightning.
    • Fix: Illegal characters cannot be resolved in XML response
    • Fix: Unable to detect Baikal URL when it was installed in root folder
  • 12/20/2014 / v1.0.79
    • New: Support of exceptional appointment in a series of recurrence event created by Lightning
  • 12/14/2014 / v1.0.78
    • New: Now support REPORT multi-get. Speeding up volume sync.
  • 12/14/2014 / v1.0.77
    • Fix: Enhancement over ECO’s overall reliability
  • 12/14/2014 / v1.0.75
    • Fix: Enhancement over ECO’s overall reliability
  • 12/09/2014 / v1.0.72
    • 02C: Fix: If mail account and calendar account are the same Gmail account, its appintment will not be uploaded to GOOGLE CALENDAR to prevent duplicate invitation
  • 12/08/2014 / v1.0.72
    • Fix: Calendar recurrence issue
  • 12/03/2014 / v1.0.71
    • Fix: Connection with AOL has been fixed
    • Fix: Fix Russian language translation issue
  • 11/30/2014 / v1.0.69
    • New: Add hotkey: Ctrl + A = select all; Ctrl + B = select black color items; Ctrl + G = select grey color items
  • 11/26/2014 / v1.0.67
    • Fix: Zimbra sync’ing tasks error issue
    • Fix: Optimize connection efficiency with Baikal server
  • 11/23/2014 / v1.0.66
    • Fix: ETAG error that causes repeating downloading cloud items
  • 11/18/2014 / v1.0.65
    • Fix:Failed to reflect coversion from Appointment to Meeting on Gmail
    • Fix: Failed to sync throughout all Meeting attendees
    • Fix: Failed to and auto-discover server and TEST for QQ
  • 11/17/2014 / v1.0.64
    • Fix: Failed to support vCard source code with multi-lines address
  • 11/16/2014 / v1.0.63
    • Update: Support update interval setting
  • 11/14/2014 / v1.0.62
    • New: Support of services
  • 11/11/2014 / v1.0.61
    • Fix: Russian Timezone and International Timezone fail to convert between each other
    • Fix: When day event + recurring evnet overlap, there comes error
  • 11/10/2014 / v1.0.59
    • Fix: When sync folder is empty, ECO fails to monitor the sync folder
  • 11/07/2014 / v1.0.58
    • Fix: Eliminates unnecessary update and deletion when Outlook is under List View
  • 11/04/2014 / v1.0.57
    • Fix: Fix two vcard parser errors
  • 10/31/2014 / v1.0.56
    • New: Support of Korean GUI
  • 10/28/2014 / v1.0.54
    • New: Support of Japanese GUI
  • 10/21/2014 / v1.0.53
    • Fix: Fix Yahoo! connection issue. Some bugs may still exist.
  • 10/18/2014 / v1.0.52
    • Fix: Appointment created by iOS8 CalDAV client cannot be deleted within Outlook
  • 10/16/2014 / v1.0.51
    • Update: SSLv3 is no longer supported due to a security bug. Supporting TLSv1 minimum now.
  • 10/15/2014 / v1.0.50
    • Update: Now supports OwnCloud 7.0.2
  • 10/12/2014 / v1.0.49
    • Fix Fix server autodiscovery failure for certain CardDAV/CalDAV server
  • 10/08/2014 / v1.0.47
    • New: Support of Synology CalDAV url
  • 10/08/2014 / v1.0.48
    • Update: Support of new two-step-auth iCloud Auth
  • 10/06/2014 / v1.0.46
    • New: Support of Deutsch GUI
  • 09/30/2014 / v1.0.45
    • Fix: Fix profile manager being unable to authenticate against Mac OS X server
  • 09/25/2014 / v1.0.44
    • New: Support of Baikal CardDAV/CalDAV server
  • 09/19/2014 / v1.0.43
    • Fix: Fix on vcard title and jobtitle process
  • 09/10/2014 / v1.0.42
    • New: Support of Русский (Russian) GUI
  • 09/07/2014 / v1.0.41
    • New: Support of Dutch GUI
  • 08/19/2014 / v1.0.39
    • Fix: Fix sync issue on synchronizing yearly event created by Gmail
  • 08/16/2014 / v1.0.38
    • Fix: Fix sync. issues during O2C
  • 08/15/2014 / v1.0.37
    • Fix: Clearing URL space to turn on/off carddav/caldav synchronization
  • 08/12/2014 / v1.0.36
    • Fix: Issue of Yahoo! carddav/caldav auto-dicovery resolved
    • Fix: Improving synchronization efficiency
  • 08/10/2014 / v1.0.35
    • Fix: Adding support of Gmail second home and company phone number
  • 08/05/2014 / v1.0.34
    • Fix: Improvement over sync from local items to CalDAV/CardDAV server
  • 08/01/2014 / v1.0.33
    • Fix: Timeout issue that occurs when write/delete Gmail’s CardDAV/CalDAV
    • New: Support of Spanish GUI
  • 07/31/2014 / v1.0.32
    • New: support of ( carddav capability
  • 07/28/2014 / v1.0.31
    • New: support of ( and ( carddav/caldav
  • 07/15/2014 / v1.0.30
    • Fix: Compatibility issue with Gmail contacts synchronization
    • Fix: Owncloud’s autodetect issue with
  • 07/10/2014 / v1.0.29
    • Fix: Compatibility issue with Yahoo! CardDAV/CalDAV
  • 07/04/2014 / v1.0.27
    • New: Add French UI
  • 07/04/2014 / v1.0.27
    • Fix: Fix for OwnCloud Collboration Server O2C issue
  • 07/02/2014 / v1.0.26
    • Fix: Fix for OwnCloud Collaboration Server URL autodetection issue
  • 06/30/2014 / v1.0.25
    • Fix: Compatibility issue with Zimbra Collaboration Server
  • 06/26/2014 / v1.0.23
    • Fix: Timezone compatibility issue on Tasks between Outlook 2007 and MAC OS X
  • 06/02/2014 / v1.0.22
    • New: support service executed in non-root directory
  • 05/10/2014 / v1.0.20
    • New: support of MAC OSX server
  • 04/30/2014 / v1.0.19
    • Fix: It is now possible to key in host URL with https header
  • 04/15/2014 / v1.0.17
    • Fix of being unable to refresh Gmail access token once authenticate box is closed
  • 04/09/2014 / v1.0.16
    • Fix bugs and users are allowed to create Gmail profile under unspecified profile entry
  • 03/24/2014 / v1.09
    • Beta: New: Adding support for Gmail contacts and calendars
  • 03/14/2014 / v1.08
    • Stable running version