SDK & etc

EVO Mail Server SDK & etc

EVO Mail Server SDK for programmers – This section is to contribute to programmers who would like to integrate their codes with EVO Mail Server.

  1. Adding a new user account from external source is possible – Follow steps below:

    • Browse to EvoDefaultFolder\HOSTS\DEFAULT\USERS.
    • Build a folder by username, i.e. David.
    • Create a txt file named info.ini with attribute of UTF-8(NO BOM).
    • Edit info.ini/Copy and paste the following lines/Save the file:
      • DOMAIN= domain name, character string of 0-64
      • DOMAINADMIN= domain admin or not?
      • DEPARTMENT= department name, character string of 0-32
      • UIDVALIDITY= 1, value for new account is 1, change this value if forcing user to renew IMAP folders
      • UIDNEXT= 1, value for new account is 1, next available incremental and unique UID of IMAP email message
      • GROUPADMIN= group admin or not?
      • FULLNAME= user full name, character string of 0-64, can be displayed in Unicode
      • BACKUPSENTENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable backing up outgoint mails via SMTP into Item Sent folder automatically
      • SMTPENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable SMTP, new account is 1
      • POP3ENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable POP3, new account is 1
      • BULKMODEENABLED= 0, 0 or 1 to enable bulk mail policy by adding Precedence:bulk header to fit Google rules
      • EXPDATE= account expiration date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
      • IMAPENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable IMAP, new account is 1
      • AUTOREPLYENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable autoreply, the following will be sent to sender if user is not available,
      • MAILLIST= 0 or 1, to enable using expn command
      • TELNO= user contact phone number
      • INTERNALONLYENABLED= 0 or 1 to enable internal messaging only, user can only send and receive internally
      • PASSWORD= password
      • DELAYSENDENABLED= 0 or 1to enable outgoing mail delay, not including internal sending
      • CC_TO= list of email accounts to receive mail forwarding, use comma to separate each acocunt
      • AUTOREPLY= write down what user wants to notify senders as autoreply message
  2. Mass email import to EVO POP3 or IMAP folder – It is recommended not to allow any user log in during import session:

    • Follow steps in 1. Adding a new user… and make sure all folders are built.
    • Place imported email messages in POP3\INBOX. Abiding to RFC-2822, mails should have extension of .eml and the file name should follow yyyymmddhhmmssMMMM-uid-flag. In C language, printf format is ddddddd-%lu-%s.eml. Note: yyyy is year, mm is month, dd is day, hh is 24-hours, mm is minute, ss is second, MMMM is millisecond, uid is a random number between 1 to 400 million unique integer, flag for IMAP only and should be afdstRxv as default value.
    • Place imported email messages in FOLDERS\INBOX. Abiding to RFC-2822, mails should have extension of .eml and the file name should follow yyyymmddhhmmssMMMM-uid-flag. In C language, printf format is ddddddd-%lu-%s.eml. Note: yyyy is year, mm is month, dd is day, hh is 24-hours, mm is minute, ss is second, MMMM is millisecond, uid is a random number between 1 to 400 million unique integer, flag has options of afdstrxv. Each letter has its meaning as the following – lower case for false and upper case for true, Answered, Flagged, Deleted, Seen, drafT, Recent, eXtended, reserVed.
    • UID of both POP3 and IMAP start with 1. IMAP and POP3 can have the same UID existing at the same time, but the same UID cannot repeat itself within either IMAP or POP3. Pick UID with greater value among IMAP and POP3. Add 1 to this UID and fill in UIDNEXT in user infor.ini file.
    • If there are already mails in some existing account folder, then find out UID with the greatest value. Add 1 to this UID and this new value is the starting point to write mail with.